Dun & Bradstreet Past Performance Evaluation – Top Tech Performer
The results are in and LNKE Technologies achieved an overall score of 95% out of 100 from its customers in D&B Open Ratings Past Performance Evaluation (PPE). This score ranks LNKE Technologies as a “Top” performer, among peer firms. The PPE assesses a company’s performance relative to its peers in the same industry and is commonly requested as part of the vendor bid process for government agencies. The areas evaluated by the PPE include Reliability, Cost, Order Accuracy, Delivery/Timeliness, Quality, Business Relations, Personnel, Customer Support, and Responsiveness.
The report is an independent assessment of a firm’s past performance and provides a method for customers to evaluate a firm’s performance as a supplier and service provider. Large purchasing organizations such as the General Services Administration (GSA) rely on the results from PPE reports to make decisions in contract awards.
To learn more about LNKE Technologies or our services, give us a call at 404-919-5653 ext. 3.
I was proud to see that our team scored a 97% out of 100 for Reliability, Quality and Customer Service. It’s always a good feeling to know we provide the best experience to our customers. – Nate Jones, Owner